In the post we discuss why your shoulder hurts when you bench press and what you can do to change it.

What’s the number one rule of the bench press? Get the bar to your chest right?
This is also probably the number one reason your shoulder is hurting.
To check if this is the case, measure how deep YOU should take the bar.
How to measure bench press depth
Stand in front of a mirror with a broom stick in place of a bar. Bring the stick towards your chest replicating your bench press precisely.
How far away from your chest does the stick stop?
That is where the bar should stop when you return to the bench. If it goes further, your muscular system is no longer in control of the movement.
You’re now relying on the passive structures of the joint for control which is bad news for the health of your shoulder.
Exercise is full of generic rules. It’s better for your health if you obey the rules of your own body.
Never let an external force take you into a position you can’t actively take yourself.
Try it and see if it helps.