In this post we’ll show you exactly how to improve internal hip rotation for golf without the need to stretch.

Internal hip rotation is a critical movement if you are to achieve both power and accuracy in your swing.
A reduction in hip rotation is linked to back pain in golfers and the amount of trunk rotation you’re able to generate is directly proportional to how well your hips move.
Limitations in this motion will directly impact either your back swing, or your follow through.
How to assess internal hip rotation for golf
Try this simple assessment and treatment procedure to improve your internal hip rotation.
Lie on your back with your legs straight and your feet in line with your hips. Rotate your left hip in as far as it will go and then bring it back to the centre. Now try the same with your right hip.
How to improve internal hip rotation for golf
If one side is more limited than the other, try the following exercises to improve the motion.
1) Hip adductor isometric
Place something between your legs to push against. A kettlebell works well or the leg of a table. Failing that you can use the foot of your other leg.
Lock out your knee and rotate your hip inwards. Holding that position, gently push across towards your other leg.
Use only about 30% of your available strength and hold the effort for 6 secs. Relax for 5 seconds before repeating the process another 5 times.
As you push focus your attention on your adductor muscles which sit on the inside of your leg.
This exercise is illustrated on the bottom of the PDF below.

2) Hip abductor isometric
Lock out your knee and rotate your hip inwards again. This time take your leg out to the side as far as it will go.
Have something block you in that position such as a kettlebell or a table leg. Now gently push away from the other leg (out) into the object.
Again only use 30% of your available strength for 6 x 6 seconds with a 5 second test between each push.
Think about your hip abductor muscles as you push which are located on the side of your pelvis.
This exercise is again illustrated on the bottom of the PDF below.

Now check your hip rotation. You should see an immediate improvement.
By improving the ability of muscles to contract through these low intensity isometrics, you will see increases in range of motion without the need to stretch. These changes will transfer directly to your swing.
Want to improve your trunk rotation? This post will show you how.