In this post we discuss how you can use resistance training to improve power for golf without getting injured. Movement fascinates me and the golf swing is certainly a fascinating movement. How do you swing a long club back to the same place it started from with speed and accuracy? And how do you do […]
Why most people aren’t strength training effectively (even if they think they are)
In this post we discuss why most people aren’t strength training effectively and why this becomes critical to our health as we age. It’s that time of year again when fitness goals are set and gym membership sales peak. Apparently 11% of all gym memberships are sold in January, more than any other month of […]
Rehab exercises causing you pain? Try this
In this post we discuss what to do if your rehab exercises are causing you pain. There are few things more frustrating to me than hearing people explain they’ve been using a particular exercise for months, but they think it’s making them worse. When they tell their physio they’re sometimes advised to persevere. That when […]
Why musculoskeletal health care must include resistance training
In this post we discuss why musculoskeletal health care must include resistance training to both improve results and reduce costs. In 1903 Thomas Edison wrote; “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of […]
How walking, gardening and swimming can slow your recovery from injury
In this post we discuss how activities like walking, gardening and swimming can slow down your recovery from injury. What would you say to this gentleman. He’s recovering from a knee injury and wants to get back to running. He has another pastime however and that’s walking. Strolling around the City for hours at a […]