Imagine an 8 man rowing crew as you would find in a boat race pictured below. Now imagine that half way through the race 4 of the crew decide to stop rowing and sit admiring the view. What happens to the boat? First of all it becomes unstable and more than likely begins to drift […]
Muscle Activation Techniques; What is it? How can it help me?
Peyton Manning of the Denver Broncos credits Muscle Activation Techniques with saving his career. Read this article in Breaking Muscle to see how it could help you.
Run faster and stay injury free with Muscle Activation Techniques.
Great article in the Canadian press on Muscle Activation Techniques and how it can help you run faster and stay injury free. Read more here.
MAT on ABC News.
Russell Martin, All-Star Pirates catcher on how Muscle Activation Techniques has helped him recover from injury.
Stretching and shin splints.
I was recently listening to a running coach discussing his approach to medial tibial stress syndrome, or shin splints to use its more common name. I watched with interest as he took a client through an elaborate stretch aimed at their posterior tibialis muscle. What is shin splints? Although the name suggests that the shin […]