The London Marathon is always one of my favourite events of the year. The sheer scale of human effort is always uplifting, even to the most cynical. What’s not to like? 40,000 people putting themselves on the line, many for charity. The most enthusiastic marathon crowd in the world. All set against the backdrop of […]
Pain and the obesity epidemic.
Greg Roskopf speaking recently about the influence of pain on obesity and how the exercise industry largely compounds the problem. “When people have pain, it can limit their ability to exercise. If clients are not able to exercise, they cannot reach their fitness goals. Pain itself is also one of the signals of an inflammatory […]
Stretching does not make your muscles longer.
What effect does a six week static stretching programme have on the muscles of the lower leg? It is widely accepted that stretching can increase range of motion around a joint. There is very little literature however to support the theory that this increase in motion comes from the target muscle increasing in length. This […]
Changing the language of pain.
I was reminded this morning of the importance of language when working with those of us impacted by chronic pain. The NOI group have just released a handbook aimed at practitioners and patients alike who are attempting to resolve chronic pain states. Within it contains the statement below. “We will experience pain when our credible […]
NFL players using Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT).
A string of NFL players have come forward to praise Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT) including all time leading rusher for the San Fransisco 49ers Frank Gore pictured below. In an interview Gore said that MAT had helped him ‘a whole lot’ and that if he doesn’t get it, he doesn’t feel right before a game. […]