In this post we discuss what really works for back pain and why what you’ve tried so far hasn’t helped. Lower back pain is one of the most common ailments that humans suffer with. Up to 80% of us will experience a debilitating episode at some point in our lives. Its ubiquity means there are […]
Over 40 and suffering with unresolved muscle or joint pain? Start here
If you’re over 40 and suffering with unresolved muscle or joint pain, perhaps you need to think about the problem differently to find a solution. You’ve no doubt tried physiotherapy, stretched the life out of yourself and had a few massages. You may have even investigated the issue more thoroughly with scans and blood tests. […]
Addicted to the crack: The problems with chiropractic treatment
In this post we discuss the problems with chiropractic treatment, in particular regular or ongoing use of this method. I remember my first chiropractic adjustment. After a huge crack, I left the practitioner’s office feeling 2 inches taller. Wow I thought, instant change, impressive. Subsequent treatments neither produced the same noise, or the same sense […]
Change in the body is an internal process that requires muscle contraction
In this post we discuss how change in the body is an internal process and some of the incredible benefits that using your muscles provides. Do you remember when you first started training and began to notice your body was changing as a result? Perhaps your clothes fitted slightly differently, or parts of your body […]
Trigger points: Fact, fiction, or irrelevance?
In this post we discuss if trigger points are fact or fiction, and what relevance they have to the goal of reducing muscle pain. We’ve probably all experienced this at one time or another. The feeling that the source of all the tension in a muscle is coming from a precise location. This can develop […]