The golf swing is a fascinatingly complex movement in which every joint in the human body plays a part. Not only is it complex but the margin for error is extremely small given the size of both the club head and the ball. Millimetres can be the difference between a good shot and a bad […]
Shoulder and neck pain? Stop stretching upper trapezius
If you suffer from shoulder and neck pain, new research suggests stretching the area may be the worst thing you can do. Anyone who works at a desk for long periods will be familiar with the pain that can develop along the top of the shoulders. This may be coming from the upper trapezius muscle. […]
Transverse Abdominis, Myths and Misconceptions
Transverse abdominis (TVA) or Transversus as it’s marked in the diagram above, is the deepest of the abdominal muscles. It’s been touted as the miracle muscle to cure back pain, improve posture and flatten the stomach. It’s the reason why every instruction in a fitness class begins with “hollow the lower abdominals.” It’s also why […]