In this post we look at why postural assessments don’t work and why they may even be counterproductive. Have you ever made assumptions about somebody’s character based on how they look? We do this all the time, usually unconsciously. Psychologists estimate it takes seconds for us to form a decision about somebody. We then spend […]
Are hip adduction / abduction machines bad for you?
The hip adduction / abduction machines are the most misunderstood in the gym. In this post we explain why they’re actually good for you if used correctly. Take a close look at the picture above. Do you notice anything strange? Yes it’s a man on a hip adduction machine! Have you ever seen that before? […]
Preventing injury in footballers; is GPS the answer?
Preventing injury in football players is the holy grail. In the first game of the season last weekend Arsenal lost both Aaron Ramsey and Alex Iwobi to non contact injuries which should, in theory, be avoidable. The University of Birmingham and Southhampton Football Club have just released a study which uses GPS technology in an […]
The benefits of Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT).
An excellent piece on the benefits of Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT) from MAT HQ in Denver. In summary. 1) MAT can help explore the contribution muscle weakness is having on your pain. 2) MAT ensures your muscular system is contracting to the best of it’s ability. 3) MAT can increase range of motion without the […]
The number one yoga mistake.
I get asked a lot about the value of yoga in terms of rehab and aiding flexibility in general. I also work with a number of practitioners who are usually interested to know how they can improve their delivery to better help their students. Whilst I’m certainly not an expert in yoga, I have studied […]