Do you remember the song from school about your ankle bone being connected to your leg bone and your leg bone being connected to your knee bone? This might be why your shoulder injury isn’t getting better. I’m going to show you exactly how a shoulder problem can be traced to your hip. Let’s try […]
How to fix back pain for good; start with your brain.
Before we explore why you need to start with your brain for a long term solution to back pain, I want you to try something. Imagine you were playing the piano with your toes and each toe was responsible for hitting a different key. Picture moving up the keyboard starting with your pinky and then […]
Sometimes it’s the details that matter
I love fluffy white towels. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a high maintenance type of a person, quite the opposite in fact, it’s just something that makes a difference to me. I figure if an organisation spends time and money keeping their towels fluffy, then they probably spend the same amount of time and […]
How to activate Glute Max
If you want to know how to activate Glute Max, a new study has confirmed a method that works. The researchers produced changes in the excitability of the corticospinal system with an intense 6 days of isometric training in the position shown below. Subjects held the position for one minute at a time for an […]
10 reasons why your hamstrings might be tight
Here are 10 reasons why your hamstrings might be tight, in no particular order. 1) Weak trunk flexors An inability to flex your trunk will lead to your hamstrings holding on tight to your pelvis. Try performing some super slow crunches and then have another go at that sit and reach test. I bet you […]