If your injury rehab isn’t working I’d like you to think about the following scenarios for a minute. Imagine taking your car in for a service and you see your mechanic pull up in the most uncared for pile of junk you’ve ever seen. Would that put you off using his services? How about turning […]
When is muscle tightness a good thing?
In this post we take a look at when muscle tightness is a good thing and how we know. Take a read of the following from the advice section of a physiotherapy site. See if anything jumps out at you. ‘You’d need to establish if your external rotators are tight (as in dysfunctional and need […]
Infraspinatus muscle weakness in pro tennis players
In this post we take a look at the curious case of infraspinatus muscle weakness in pro tennis players. Take 125 elite level female tennis players and assess their shoulders. In particular take a look at their dominant shoulder and a muscle that is important to the serve, the infraspinatus. What do you think you’d […]
Runner’s knee not getting better?
If your runner’s knee isn’t getting better, then perhaps your knee isn’t not the issue. In this post we look at what else might be going on. Your knee is essentially a hinge with your knee cap (patella) being an ingenious device to improve the leverage of your quadriceps to extend your knee. Apart from […]
How to improve both flexibility and strength
Have you ever heard this in a clinic or a gym? ‘First we need to improve your range of motion and then we can add strength.’ What if you could improve both flexibility and strength? And what if the two are so intimately connected that it’s actually impossible to meaningfully change one without the other? […]