Back when I was at university I lived in a particularly bleak area of London. Up and coming was how the estate agent described it (of course) and he was actually right, although we were about 10 years too early. Every Saturday morning I would take a long walk to the local supermarket (even buses didn’t like […]
It’s not rehab, it’s training; appropriately.
Where is the line between rehab and training? There isn’t one in my opinion. It’s my good fortune to be able to help people who have suffered from injury and are struggling to get back to their best. To do this I look in detail how my client’s move and precisely locate the muscle weaknesses […]
Are you a runner with tight calves? Here’s the solution.
If you’re a runner with tight calves you’ve no doubt been told to stretch and foam roll them. You’ve probably found this has only provided temporary relief however. In this post we’ll look at the reasons for this and provide a longer term solution. Let me start by asking you a question. Do you train […]
7 injury rehab principles for long term success. I am biased though
Think back to any gym you’ve been a member of over the years. In particular think about the personal trainers you saw working there. Did you ever notice how they trained their clients? Did the Olympic lifting guy for example, have all his clients picking up big weights from the floor and then dropping them […]
Body transformation time.
It’s January so it must be body transformation time. Depending on where you get your information, you’ll be subjected to a range of approaches and products that seek to (in no particular order), detox you, transformassacre you (yes that’s real), pack on muscle, shed fat, sculpt you, lengthen you and shred you. The last one […]