In this post we discuss how your internal narrative shapes pain and recovery and what you can do to change it. The story we tell ourselves about our lives is very powerful. This is particularly true if you are trying to recover from ongoing pain and injury. In these situations your internal narrative may be […]
Why AI won’t help you in the gym. Yet
In this post we discuss why AI won’t help you in the gym just yet and what might be coming that will. Take a read of this excerpt from a social media post. ‘Wearables track every heartbeat; AI personalises workouts, recovery lounges rival spas, functional training complement machines, and virtual coaching makes geography irrelevant. The […]
Why you shouldn’t use dead hangs for shoulder pain
In this post we discuss why you shouldn’t use dead hangs for shoulder pain, despite their popularity on social media. Dead hangs are regularly recommended for shoulder pain with all sorts of spurious reasons given. I’ve read everything from our connection to tree swinging chimpanzees, to the idea that this position can decompress the shoulders and […]
Lead hip pain in golf? Why stretching isn’t the answer
In this post we discuss lead hip pain in golf and why stretching doesn’t offer a long term solution. If pain in your lead hip is hampering your golf and you’ve tried stretching, massage and foam rolling without success, this post may help. Why your lead hip hurts when you play golf Let’s see if […]
6 reasons why you should start resistance training if you’re over 40
In this post we discuss 6 reasons why you should start resistance training if you’re over 40. Before we begin here’s a quote from Peter Attia MD which nicely sums up the challenge: ‘Never in the history of human civilisation has a 90-year-old said, I wish I had less muscle.’ Resistance training is one of […]